Service Citoyen – Business app

Development of a customized encoding and performance tracking platform

Service Citoyen – Business app

The Youth Service is a program active in Belgium since 2007, bringing together over 855 Belgian organizations with a common goal: to create a national Youth Service, institutionalized and recognized by a legal framework, akin to similar European schemes. The Youth Service is a program aimed at young people aged 18 to 25 who are willing to engage in their chosen solidarity project.


  • The challenge

    To track the performances of young people participating in the Youth Service, they used to fill out paper forms every month. These forms were then manually transmitted and encoded by the platform’s administration to calculate and pay the allowances due to each young person. In this context, MV Studio organized a series of workshops to thoroughly understand the underlying internal processes, in order to transcribe them into a digital platform that would bypass the manual encoding and management of hundreds of files per month.

  • The Goal

    Deliver a platform with multiple roles so that each stakeholder can encode, validate, and pay allowances. Tutors thus have a tool to track the performances encoded by volunteers, and the platform administration has a tool centralizing all exchanges and interventions.

  • The implemented solution

    The platform contains several features:

    • Automatic calculation of allowances and expense reports based on encoding done by the young people
    • Personal access via login and password for young people performing their service where they can encode their performances and attach their expense reports
    • Personal access via login and password for tutors who supervise these young people, providing them with real-time visibility on the encodings
    • Management and downloading of expense reports by the platform administration for tracking their reimbursement
    • Validation of allowances and expense reports among the various stakeholders, up to the monthly dossier closure
    • Archiving of all supporting documents
  • Conclusion

    Thanks to the implemented platform, days of manual encoding are now avoided. The tool facilitates and optimizes communication between tutors, young people, and the administrative staff of the platform. Time savings are considerable for all parties, allowing them to focus on their actual activities, relieving them of the administrative aspects that were once cumbersome and time-consuming.

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